Hi, I'm Sheida Mas!

I am half Persian and half Spanish, born in Spain, and based in London, UK.  I have a nomad heart and a creative mind.  

I've spent 20 years of my life in the dance world, mostly choreographing and teaching and in 2015, I met my other love, Yoga, which has become a really big part of my life!

I have always been a really driven woman with really big dreams and a craaazy amount of energy. And this is all great, but I also used to have a brain that would NEEVER pause, really bad insomnia because I could not find the switch off button no matter how exhausted I was mentally & physically and a pretty unhealthy habit of sacrificing everything for my career and never taking a break until I was completely drained...Until one day I understood that it was not sustainable overtime.

Hi, I'm Sheida Mas!

I am half Persian and half Spanish, born in Spain. I have a nomad heart and a creative mind.  

I've spent 20 years of my life in the dance world, mostly choreographing and teaching and in 2015, I met my other love, Yoga, which has become a really big part of my life!

I have always been a really driven woman with really big dreams and a craaazy amount of energy. And this is all great, but I also used to have a brain that would NEEVER pause, really bad insomnia because I could not find the switch off button no matter how exhausted I was mentally & physically and a pretty unhealthy habit of sacrificing everything for my career and never taking a break until I was completely drained...Until one day I understood that it was not sustainable overtime.

I became a Vinyasa Yoga, Yin Yoga and Yoga Nidra teacher and learned lots about energy and about finding balance in our lives. I started taking care of my relationships, I discovered natural tools to keep my brain sharp, more creative than ever!, tools to keep my body feeling at its best, and I FINALLY located the off button and found good sleep. The change in my life has been mind-blowing since! 

Now, I share with others the tools that I've found to be absolute game-changers. I am here to help you reach new heights of physical and mental wellness.


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